I'm having trouble accessing library resources from off campus.

When you attempt to log into our databases from off campus, you might see an error message on the login screen saying that your username or password are incorrect, or you might get a blank page or error message.


This could be caused by one of several issues:

  • Be sure that you spelled your FoxID and password correctly, and that your caps lock is off  
  • Your username should not include @rollins.edu.
  • Your Rollins account is the only one that will grant you access to our databases; your personal Gmail and other non-Rollins accounts will not work.
  • Off campus access to library resources is for current students, faculty (including emeriti), and staff only. Alumni do not have access from off campus.  
  • If you are a new employee of the college, a recent Rollins graduate who is now an employee, a new Emeritus faculty member, or are an employee who is returning from a leave of absence, your account might need to be modified by IT if you are getting an error message.  The Help Desk should be able to adjust your account to allow proper access to our materials from off campus.

There is also the possibility that your account is locked or your password has expired.  This is likely the case if you are also unable to access other Rollins resources such as FoxLink and email.  If you believe that this is the case, you can contact the Help Desk.

Other Access Problems

If you are having trouble accessing our databases and none of the above scenarios apply, there are a few other things you can try to troubleshoot:

  1. Do you have a firewall, antivirus software, or browser security settings that might be blocking your access?  If you're not sure, you can contact the Help Desk.
  2. Are you logged into a VPN client?  The Rollins GlobalProtect VPN software shouldn't affect database access, but other non-Rollins VPN clients might.  If you are using VPN software, log out of it and try accessing our databases again.
  3. Are using Zotero, Mendeley, or another citation software/plugin?  Sometimes these can interfere with database access if you're browsing while they're open.  If you suspect this is the problem, see the help documentation for the service you're using and make sure that the software/plugin isn't attempting to proxy your connection to our resources.
  4. Are you at work or using a work-issued computer?  Some employers have network restrictions that prevent some internet activity.  Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do, but your company IT department might be able to assist you.
  5. Have you cleared your browser history, cache, and/or cookies?  Sometimes, clearing these items from your browser is useful in resolving connection problems.  If you need help, you can consult the help screen from your browser or contact the Help Desk.
    • You might have an issue with your DNS resolver cache.  If you're using a PC with Windows, you can flush your DNS resolver cache by typing CMD in the Cortana search box and hitting enter.  When the command prompt comes up, type:  ipconfig /flush dns and hit Enter, then close the command prompt.
  6. Have you tried using another browser? Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and other browsers behave differently sometimes.  If you have more than one browser installed on your computer, switching to another browser might provide a temporary solution to access issues.
    • Firefox DNS error.  If you are using Firefox and you get an error message when trying to access our databases, there might be a configuration change that is causing the error.  Access your browser settings by typing about:preferences in your address bar and hitting enter.  In the setting search box type "network".  This should bring up the Network Settings.  Click the Settings button, then scroll down to the bottom of the Connection Settings box and uncheck Enable DNS over HTTPS and click OK.
  7. Do you have access to another computer? If you have easy access to another computer or a mobile device, this could help you determine if the issue is localized to a specific machine.
  8. Have you tried moving to a different internet connection?  If you think that the internet access at your current location (a cafe, hotel, etc.) is the problem, you could try going to another location or switching to another wireless access point, or try accessing the internet via a wired connection if one is available.
  9. Are you using the correct link?  You should always access our databases through our website or LibGuides.  If you are off campus, any link that doesn't have our proxy prefix in front of it won't properly authenticate.

Configuration Errors

While browsing library resources, you might encounter an error message that looks like this:

To allow http://somedatabase.org to be used in a starting point URL, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize the hostname of this URL in the config.txt file. Within this database's section of config.txt, the following line must be added:     Host somedatabase.org The EZproxy server must then be restarted to make the change take effect.

You can report this error to the library by e-mailing askolinlibrary@rollins.edu. If you are on campus, you can bypass this error and view the article or database by copying and pasting the web address and stripping the proxy prefix (http://ezproxy.rollins.edu:2048/login?url=) from the URL.

Access Problems Overseas

Access to library resources in other countries is sometimes unreliable due to circumstances beyond our control.  Students and faculty who plan to travel overseas should contact the Help Desk to set up RemoteApp, a contingency system designed to allow users with access issues to get through to our online resources. Users should always comply with local laws regarding internet access and should not use RemoteApp to circumvent those laws.

RemoteApp is a remote desktop solution available for PC and Mac devices.  Macs require the use of an app, while PC implementation is more straightforward. Full instructions for RemoteApp are available in this PDF.

If you have access to the Rollins GlobalProtect VPN client, trying signing into that and trying to access the databases again.  Depending on the nature of the access issue, this might let you click through directly to our databases.

Still have questions?

The IT Help Desk is available to answer inquiries about your Rollins account.  Questions about library resources and access can be directed to our librarians, or to the library liaison for your department or program.

  • Last Updated Oct 24, 2024
  • Views 477
  • Answered By Paul Gindlesperger

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